Justin was born on his "due date" which fell on Mother's Day that year. I was in labor for a very long time and when he finally entered this world, he was crying. The nurse laid my crying Justin on my chest and he looked me right in the eyes and stopped crying. I told him "I love you" for the very first time. I didn't know what real love was until that very moment in time.
As I reflect back into his baby book, I often wrote how Justin was one strong-willed baby and how he was able to put me in my place as such an early age. He was a happy baby and hit all of his mile-stones early in the game. He took off running at age 10 months and his vocabulary was remarkable. He was very intelligent!
We started pre-school when Justin was 2 years old. I began getting many complaints from his teachers and was having to intervene quite often. He liked to manipulate the teachers and would go off into fits if things were off schedule or didn't go his way. I started thinking... I was a terrible mother.