As if Asperger's wasn't enough for Justin to overcome, he came down with chorea causing excessive body movements that were uncontrollable. We went through many tests trying to figure out what was causing it. It was so sad to watch him go through that. It really bothered him, too. We finally found a medication that helped control it and after a while, his symptoms calmed down and he was able to function normally.
The chorea condition caused him to miss alot of school and he decided his best option was to drop out of high school and get his GED and start college early which is exactly what he did. I was so proud of his great attitude about the situation and how he took control of it. He had 2 computer certifications before he started college.
He was a "star" in college. He was on the Dean's list every quarter. He was determined he was going places and I knew he was. He started socializing like never before and had his first girlfriend and added lots of friends from his favorite club hangouts. I was so proud of who he had become in just 1 1/2 years.