The Most Promising Chapter

Created by Brent 12 years ago
Justin would be graduating from college in Spring 2012 with a Computer Network Specialist degree. He was running his own little repair business and had really made a good reputation for himself. He was a very giving young man. He gave of himself and was always helping others that needed help. He made sure he was at every American Red Cross blood drive to do his part. He designated himself to making sure friends who had been drinking at the club got home safely... Justin wasn't a "drinker" and he was such a safe driver. He was given the nickname, McLovin', respectfully by his sweet friends we dearingly called, "The Bud Girls". One night, he decided to help a new lady friend feel better about herself, so he took her out bowling and to dinner. This individual was much older than Justin and talked him into riding her around in his car. She was very intoxicated, so we will never know exactly what happened, but his car went off of the road and Justin died instantly after his side of the car hit a tree. The passenger survived and is doing fine. The pain was excruciating, but non-the-less, Justin went Home to be with his Lord and Savior and with that, I am more proud of Justin than I ever was. Life will never be the same without him. He added so much to all of the lives he touched and of course no one could ever forget his sweet smiling face that glowed when he smiled at you.
